The Association RAWW presents the exhibition of the artist RONE “Dreamers / 1994-2014” at Galeria IX.

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The magical universe of “Dreamers” represents: a game of metamorphoses, an allegory of creation, a sublimation of essences in minimal expression.

The exhibit of artist Rone (Cicerone Florin Cojocaru) “Dreamers/1994-2014” reunites a number of 25 paintings made between 2012 and 2014, a part of which relies on studies and sketches of this cyclic theme starting from 1994.

The exhibition is open in the period October 17, 2014 – November 9, 2014, at Gallery IX, from Wednesday to Friday, between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday between 12 p.m. and 8 p.m.

“Dreamers” is an invitation by the artist to step into another spiritual dimension and enter a game of passage and becoming, of refining of his artistic pursuit and, at the same time, of refining of form, aiming at purity and essentials. The incursion in the magical universe of his creations is an adventure bringing forward, one after the other, various hypostases of the self, from a profoundly human and essentially playful perspective.

Student at the Academy of Belle Arte from Bucharest, Painting, between 1990 and 1994, Rone continued his artistic education in Paris, where he lived until 2006, participating in numerous contemporary exhibitions and salons, both in France and Germany, as, in that period, he was in permanent search for the essence and constant preoccupation with the metamorphosis of forms.

Here are some of his most recent individual exhibitions:

2014 – “12 Dreamers/12 Träumer”, Rone, Fantom Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2011 – “Seven Dwarfs/Sieben Zwerge”, Rone, Fantom Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2010 – “Rains/Regen”, Rone, Fantom Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2009 – “Seven Rains in March”, Rone, Gallery, Bucharest, Romania

Exhibit “Rone/Dreamers/1994-2014” ( is a project of the Association for Cultural and Artistic Promotion RAWW ( in cooperation with Gallery IX.

An event sponsored by: Domeniile Sâmburești and Aqua Carpatica.

Media Partners: Art Out, Citadinul, Getlokal, Postmodern, Modernism, Veioza Arte, Feeder.
